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Post by "ted", 2006-12-26, 18:01

Namespace in .Net is an additional information, if provided will enable unique naming of types within an assembly. This articles assumes C# knowledge and all the issues/resolutions provided are applicable to C# 1.1/2.0

For e.g., you can have a class called Console in your assembly, within a namespace named, say, MyNamespace. System namespace also have a class named Console. We can use both of the classes in the program
Problems with Namespaces in 1.1
If you worked on a large project in .Net in the past, you must have faced some problems with Namespaces. Namespaces, were introduced in .Net to eliminate the naming collisions between different code developed at different locations. But as large and large projects were developed, there were some shortcomings were observed. Some of them included:

a. Same typename can be used in multiple namespaces. In this scenario, types in local namespaces can mask types in global namespaces. And this leads to an ambiguous situation
b. Same typenames can be used in multiple assemblies. When these assemblies were used in the same application, again, there will be ambiguity in referencing the types
c. using aliases can lead to ambiguous identification. Aliases can mask the type if not taken care.
Namespaces in 2.0
To address all the issues that arose in the previous version, C# 2.0 introduced some new features like:

1. Namespace aliasing
2. global:: operator
3. Extern Aliasing
Namespace Aliasing
With Namespace aliasing parallel namespaces are much more convenient and namespace aliasing also offers greater flexibility.

lets look at the following piece of code:
namespace Aeroplane

interface IGoodsCarrier



interface IPassengerCarrier



namespace Boeing


class Boeing737 : IPassengerCarrier { ... }


namespace AirBus


class AirBusA340 : IPassengerCarrier { ... }


using Manufacturer = Aeroplace.AirBus;

namespace Aeroplane

namespane Company { ... }

class Program


static void Main()


IPassengerCarrier carrier = new Manufacturer.AirBusA340();



This works well with both 1.1 and 2.0, but if somebody adds
namespace AeroPlane

namespace Manufacturer { ... }
1.1 will throw a compile time exception as there is a colliding namespace with the alias qualifier.
2.0 addresses this issue with a minor syntax change. We'll now use :: operator to resolve the ambiguity.
//IPassengerCarrier carrier = new Manufacturer.AirBusA340();
IPassengerCarrier carrier = new Manufacturer::AirBusA340();
this will unambiguously refer to Aeroplane.AirBus.

:: operator identifies the left hand side operator of the instruction as an alias and not a namespace.
global:: Operator
To understand the importance of this operator, lets look at this sample code
namespace MyOrg

namespace System


public class Console { ... }

public class Program


static void Main()


// problem. ambiguous call to Console as it is available in System namespace and MyOrg.System namespace


// this is also ambiguous


// these code lines will not refer to the top level System.Console



global:: operator will unambiguously refer to the top level scope in these situations
lets check the modified code
namespace MyOrg

namespace System


public class Console { ... }

public class Program


static void Main()


// unambiguous call. Calls Console class available at MyOrg.System namespace


// this is also unambiguous




External Aliasing
If you are working in a large orginization, you might have observed that developers working on two different assemblies define the same typename in the same namespace. Most of the times in Utility classes

lets look at this code to understand this situation
//in assembly - first.dll
namespace MyOrg.Utility

public class Helper


public static bool SendMail()


//sends mail through the SmtpServer



//in assembly - second.dll
namespace MyOrg.Utility

public class Helper


public static bool SendMail()


//sends mail from the mail account of the user



//consumer code - references to both first.dll and second.dll
namespace MyOrg.Utility

public class Program


public static void NotifyUser()


//this will fail at compile time as the assembly namespaces are colliding



External aliasing can resolve ambiguous references to the namespaces. External aliasing provides assembly qualified namespace aliases. extern is the keyword that should be used to provide the assembly qualified namespaces.

Defining the extern alias involves two things. Firstly, we need to define the extern alias in the source code of the consumer and we also need to map the aliases to the assemblies through the compiler options.

Let us look at how the above program changes
//consumer code - references to both first.dll and second.dll

//while compiling the following references should be user
//C:\Code>csc /r:First=first.dll /r:Second=second.dll Program.cs

//this can be done from VS 2005, by opening the properties of the referenced dll's properties
//and providing aliases in the Aliases property

extern alias First;
//should match the alias provided in the compiler options
extern alias Second;
//should match the alias provided in teh compiler options

using FirstUtility = First::MyOrg.Utility;
using SecondUtility = Second::MyOrg.Utility;

namespace MyOrg.Utility

public class Program


public static void NotifyUser()


//this will not fail




Though these things seem to be very uncommon situations, In large projects, these are quite common and sometimes very frustating. Now, we have these changes to C# 2.0 which will help working with large projects not frustating.
From : http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/Namespaces_20.asp

Reply by "J2.NETe", 2006-12-27, 9:30

LZ的第三种方法中的External Aliasing是要在编译的时候在写reference的时候加上Alias的。
extern alias First = first.dll;
extern alias Second = second.dll;

Reply by "SmiletotheLife", 2006-12-27, 9:55

a. 一些类型名(typename)在多个名称空间(Namespace)中使用。为了实现这种需求,我们把类型定义在全局的名称空间中,而这样做,可能因为重名(相同的typename),而引起二义性。
c. 使用别名也可能因为和类型名相同而导致歧异。
a. 名城空间别名
c. 外部别名(Extern Aliasing)
To Ted:
Namespace Aliasing的Demo code中:
using Manufacturer = Aeroplace.AirBus
using Manufacturer = Aeroplane.AirBus

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